Precious Face Mask Gold Peptidi


Anti-Age Face Mask

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Disposable GOLD face mask in two parts enriched in peptides for an antiaging effect.

The fabric of the Mia Cosmetics face mask is soaked in Oligo Peptides which stimulate the production of Collagen and Elastin, the two main proteins for a toned, elastic and younger-looking skin.

The special composition of the mask creates a perfect barrier that makes it penetrate much faster and deeper than normal masks. The whole side is in 100% viscose non-woven fabric, while the external side in gold coloured cellulose microcrystals.

Already from the first application the skin is rejuvenated, it will regain tone and brightness, the wrinkles will be reduced.

Area of Use: Face / Neck

Action: Strong Anti-Aging Effect

Laying Time: 15 Minutes

Method of Use:

  • Open the envelope using the appropriate side tear-off invitations
  • Apply the two parts of the mask on the clean face, using the eye and mouth area to correctly align the two parts of the mask.
  • Leave for at least 15 minutes
  • Remove the mask and gently massage your face with your fingertips to promote complete absorption of the moisturizing solution. No need to rinse.