What is oily skin? Remedies and treatments to have a skin without pimples, never shiny and always perfect

A very widespread blemish, oily skin is a typical disorder of adolescents, young and adults, resulting from the excessive and often uncontrolled production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, tiny structures located in the deep dermis. A condition of the skin that is mainly concentrated in the T zone of the face that appears with enlarged pores, dull and oily also thanks to the thickening of the hydrolyptic film that hinders the normal transpiration of the skin favoring the proliferation of microorganisms, cause of inflammation and bad smell.

Depending on the extent of the phenomenon it is possible to distinguish several types of oily skin:

OIL FATTY SKIN: the skin appears with dilated pores and very shiny due to the production of sebum very fluid, almost liquid making the skin oily.
SEBORROUS OIL LEATHER LEATHER: this is the case of orange peel skin that is generated by the dilated follicles due to the super production of sebum.
ASFITTIC FATTY SKIN: a particularly abundant production of sebum, dense and waxy, which, remaining inside the follicles together with skin impurities and bacteria, originates blackheads. Blackheads can be white when closed or black when apero. In case of oily asphyxiated skin, the face can be dry and rough due to the lack of sebum stuck in the follicles.
IMPURE AND ACNEIC TENDANCE SKIN: pustules and inflammation characterize this type of skin. Bacteria experience strong follicular inflammation, often causing deep lesions that can even leave scars. Acneic skin, which is also typical in adults, is delicate and sensitive to light and temperature changes.
MIXED SKIN: very oily and acneic areas of the skin alternate with extremely dry skin. In a combination skin, therefore, dry and seborrheic skin traits coexist.

Oily skin causes

The causes of facial oily skin are many, to be found in internal causes or influenced by external factors, often more than one but, are usually to be found in genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalances, stress, use of cortisone drugs or inadequate diets. All this, as already mentioned, produces an overproduction of sebum. To better understand the causes we analyze in detail the internal (intrinsic) and external (exogenous) causes:

Intrinsic causes: The regulation of sebum production is a particularly complex activity of the body also regulated by endocrine factors that often, for causes not yet completely clear, is altered. Genetic predisposition and hormonal alterations are the main causes of abnormal sebum production. Androgens are the hormones mainly involved in the formation of seborrhea and acne, while at the level of hair follicles, a hyperconcentration of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase causes an abnormal and abundant production of sebum. Ovarian alterations (such as polycystic ovary syndrome) can also result in oily skin and acne.

External causes: The external causes that can favor oily skin can be easily identified leading to the resolution of the disease even in a very short time. Particular drugs such as anabolic or corticosteroids, unsuitable cosmetics, creams and poor quality treatments can lead to an alteration in sebum production. Even unregulated, fat-rich and excessive diet can affect the formation of oily and greasy skin.

Oily skin remedies

Men and women with oily skin problems should choose cosmetics and cleansers suitable for their skin type. The best routine for oily skin includes the use of delicate products that do not alter the hydrolipidic film of the skin, cosmetics useful to remove impurities and excess sebum. Although correcting the diet by taking a lot of fruits and vegetables, rich in antioxidants (vitamin C and E), preferring foods rich in omega 3 (cod, salmon, mackerel) or omega 6 (dried fruit in general), limiting the consumption of red meat must be organized a perfect beaty routine for oily skin can be a good start we need to treat the skin with the right cosmetic products. Let’s start with the cleansing: we absolutely avoid oily or biphasic products, we should prefer products to combat the proliferation of bacteria and refine the enlarged pores without attacking the skin or depriving it completely of its hydrolipidic layer. After cleansing the skin, it is essential to use a face tonic that balances the pH of the skin. Once the skin has been cleansed, it is advisable to apply an oily skin facial cream that ensures the right nourishment and hydration of the skin without encouraging the production of sebum.

Before spreading the makeup we apply a dilated pore primer dedicated to oily to combination skin, smoothes, wrinkles and expression lines because it makes the foundation adhere perfectly, keeping the appearance unchanged all day long, counteracting the shiny effect.

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